What To Do When Google Home Keeps Saying Mic Is Off – 5 Ideas

google home keeps saying mic is off

When your Google Home starts talking out of the blue, possession might be on your mind.

However, most of the time, it’s just your device being over-enthusiastic about trying to help you.

But it gets a little concerning when it keeps saying the mic is off despite having turned it on, so, what can you do to fix the problem?

When Google Home keeps saying the mic is off, try power cycling, doing a factory reset, changing certain hardware, or calling Google support. Further steps include purchasing a new Google Home, unplugging the device, or muting the device. 

This article will go through the different tactics you can use when your Google Home keeps saying the mic is off.

Apart from the regular steps you can take, we also provide unconventional solutions when nothing else is working. Let’s get into it! 

What To Do When Google Home Keeps Saying the Mic Is Off

Multiple Google Home users have experienced this particular problem.

Despite the mic switch is on, the device continuously states that the mic is off.

It launches into its speech and destroys your train of thought and interrupts your dreams. 

Unfortunately, there is no singular method to solve the issue.

While you can try multiple different tactics, what worked for one person might not work for you.

But, it’s worth giving most of these tactics a try to keep the peace and give your Google Home a fighting chance.

Here are some steps you can take. 

Power Cycling 

Power cycling is the easiest first step, whether it’s a mic issue or an unresponsive device.

It is also the quickest, easiest solution when there are minor issues. 

Despite the fancy name, power cycling is simple.

It just involves turning your Google Home device on and off a few times, very similar to what you would do with a smartphone or laptop. 

To complete a proper power cycle, follow these steps:

  1. Unplug the device from the power cord.
  2. Wait a few minutes and replug the device. 
  3. Turn the manual mic switch on and off a few times. 
  4. Monitor the device to see if the issue persists. 

Repeat the first two steps a few times before checking your microphone.

If the issue persists, it’s on to the next possible step. 

Factory Reset 

Having to set up your Google Home all over again may not sound appealing, but it’s a lot better than having to listen to your device go on about the mic. 

A factory reset takes a little longer than power cycling, but it’s the next step toward fixing the problem.

If you’re not sure how to factory reset your Google Home, then just follow the steps below. 

  1. Locate the white button at the back of the device with a microphone. 
  2. Hold down the button until the lights on the device complete a full circle. 
  3. Locate the Google Home on the app as usual. 

For the Google Mini: 

  1. Locate the white button below the power cord
  2. Hold down the button until the device makes a sound
  3. Relocate the app once the reset is complete

If the factory reset doesn’t work, there might be an internal hardware issue causing the problem or a software issue that has yet to be resolved.

Manually Fix the Hardware

When a factory reset doesn’t work, it’s time to pull out some tiny tools and get working.

Using small tools to open up the device and fix the issue is risky.

You risk messing up the device further or damaging it permanently. 

But, if you’re confident, then there’s a very helpful YouTube video that takes you through the steps of fixing a Google Home Mini:

Clear Internal Debris and Dust

If you’ve ripped apart your device and it’s still not working as it needs to, then try cleaning it.

While this seems like a ridiculous idea, debris and dust can often hamper the effectiveness of a device. 

In this case, it could mean that debris and dust are interfering with the sensor or responsiveness of the switch. 

Wipe it down with a dry cloth (damp is fine, but err on the side of caution) to start with.

If you see dust and debris in the crevices of the mic switch, then it’s best to take it to a professional to be cleaned.

You can do it yourself using specialized tools, but I don’t recommend it.

There’s a high chance that you’ll accidentally make things worse. 

Why Your Google Home Is Saying The Mic Is Off

If you’re unwilling to try all these solutions and steps one after another, then addressing the possible cause of the problem can filter down the solutions.

It’s also just nice to have an explanation for the weird things that happen to your electronics. 

But, there are two plausible reasons for your Google Home glitching.

One is a hardware problem, and the other is a technical software problem.

Both problems come with age and are seen commonly by Google Home users around the 2-year mark. 

The hardware problem can stem from the black switch box.

As seen in the above video, taking it out and soldering the two hot points can keep your device working well and solve your problem in no time. 

The software issue requires technical support from the Google Team.

It could be a bug in the software, an age-related issue, or something else entirely.

So far, the Google support team has not provided a singular solution to the problem.

But, it doesn’t hurt to chat with them. 


There’s no way to anticipate the problem with a Google Home mic.

But, salvaging it might not be an impossible feat.

Taking steps such as cleaning the switch, factory resetting, and turning the device on and off might work.

You could even break the black switch box and DIY the solution if you’re confident. 

With these solutions, the Google support team, and a bit of tinkering – you’ll have the problem solved in no time! 

Are You Still Struggling With Your device?

If you’re still struggling trying to get going your smart device, contact me at nelson.barbosa@myautomatedpalace.com and we can discuss how can we fix it!

Nelson Barbosa

I'm an engineer in love with smart home tech. On my website, I share useful tips and tricks to help my readers get the most of their devices and make their lives simpler by adding just a drop of technology in everyday routines!

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