Is Ring Security Good for a Business?Entrepreneurship Tips

is ring security good for business

Among the key roles of a business owner is to ensure the security of your business. Not only should you look to protect the business property, but you should also consider the safety of your employees, and customers.

This is why you need a reliable security system such as a Ring to ensure that everything is well protected.

Ring Security is good for a business because it offers customizable products and services to enhance security, such as video monitoring that can be sent straight to your phone. Its three main settings ensure your business is secured with an alarm, even if you’re working late or out of town. 

According to Arizona State University, about six percent of robberies happening in America happen in businesses such as convenience stores.

With this in mind, it is too risky to run your business without a reliable security system. Luckily, with Ring Security, you can keep your business secure whether you are present or absent, so read on to know how it will work in your business. 

How Do You Set Up a Ring Account for Your Business?

The first step when using any Ring security is setting up a Ring account. To open this account, you will need your personal email address, business email address, or shared email address that is only used to manage the Ring account. 

To help you know which is the best email for you to use, consider factors such as customer support, billings and payment, and multiple Ring locations.

In most cases, business owners will use a business email address to keep the account separate from their private email.

For you to have an easy and convenient setup and management of your Ring account, there are some options to consider.

You Intend To Manage the Account by Yourself

If you are self-employed in your business with only a few employees, this is an ideal option to go for. When setting up this account, use your personal email address.

At the professional monitoring section, list yourself as the first emergency contact or primary contact.

When you have this option, you are the only one who will be in a position to contact customer services in case of any troubleshooting issues.

You Manage the Account Yourself but With a Separate Account

It’s similar to the first option but differs in that you separate your business expenses from your personal expenses.

For this reason, when setting up this account, use your work email address or create a new one specifically for the Ring account. 

You can add other trusted people in your business as primary contacts by adding them as Shared Users.

However, although other people are registered as shared users, only you—as the business owner—can contact customer support for troubleshooting.

You Can Share Management Rights With Other People in the Business

This option is best if you have co-owners with equal rights. Additionally, you may want to give some employees the right to manage your account.

In this case, set up the account with an email address that you all have access to. 

If you register as the business owner, you will need to register somebody else as the Primary Contact and as the First Emergency Contact. Anyone with the Ring account email address can contact customer support in case of any issue.

In the video below, you will see how to properly install the system:

Tips for Using a Ring Account in Your Business

As mentioned earlier, how you use Ring security in your business is determined by your business’s nature and layout.

After you have set up the account, consider the following tips to adapt Ring for your needs to get the most out of the system.

Activating and Deactivating the Alarm

You can activate or deactivate your alarm system using either the keypad or the Ring app.

If you are using the keypad, input your personal access code and then set it to the mode you need, such as off or “away.” If you are using your phone, open the app and switch to your intended mode.

If your employees have unique codes, you will see if and when the alarm has been activated or deactivated.

Learning the Operation Modes

There are three modes in the Ring security system: home mode, away mode, and disarmed mode.

To enjoy your investment, you need to understand what each mode means and when you should use it.

Away Mode

Away mode is used when there is nobody in the business and nobody is expected to be inside.

You would likely choose this at the end of the day before you or your employees go home.

When the alarm is in Away mode, it will alert you of any movements or activations of the alarm through the app.

People generally have a set amount of time before the alarm will go off, letting them access the panel and input the alarm code.

Disarmed Mode

The Disarmed mode is for when your business is in operation. In this state, the alarm is not active.

This way, the many people coming in and out of the business premises will not alert the security system.

You can also set this mode if you have other activities in the business, such as repairs or deliveries after normal working hours.

Home Mode

Home mode applies when the business is not in operation, but people are still inside (e.g., at the end of the day when you might be cleaning up before leaving).

This is the mode to switch to if you are working extra hours in the business, but are not expecting anyone else to enter.

The alarm will alert you should any doors open, and anybody coming in will need to put in the code to prevent the alarm from sounding. 

Understanding the Alerts and Notifications

Ring security can be difficult if you do not understand the alerts and notifications it gives. If you are the owner or listed among the shared users, expect to receive notifications to update you on various security events. 

The good news is, it is possible to change the settings on your phone or email without affecting other users.

For example, a business owner would want to be notified of every time a door is accessed, but employees likely won’t. 

It is also possible to turn off alarming events. Everyone with the app connected to the security system receives notifications if the alarm sounds, which may not be ideal for part-time employees.

is ring security good for business: Preventing False Alarms

You are likely to have many false alarms in the beginning when using the Ring security system in your business.

However, if they continue through improper use, you may find that you fail to take action in the event of a real issue. 

Some of the common reasons for false alarms are failing to disarm alarms when opening doors, failing to answer monitoring center calls and forgetting the verbal password. Some of the ways to help you prevent false alarms are to:

  • Have a special ringtone for Ring Monitoring Center so that you never miss a call.
  • Add the Ring Monitoring Contact number to your phone’s contacts.
  • Remind your emergency contacts of the verbal password from time to time in case they receive a monitoring call.
  • Ensure that the relevant people know of the security system, and they can arm or disarm it using the app or keypad.

When looking for a Ring security system for your business, I recommend the Ring Retrofit Alarm Kit. The product connects with other existing security systems that you may have. It also works with Alexa, meaning that you can use Alexa for functions such as arming or disarming, among others. 

Is ring security good for business: Conclusion

It is possible to maximize security in your business using Ring security. Ring offers different products and services to help keep your business safe based on its nature and layout. To enjoy your investment benefits, take some time to learn how the system works and ensure the other users are up to date on codes and passwords. 

Nelson Barbosa

I'm an engineer in love with smart home tech. On my website, I share useful tips and tricks to help my readers get the most of their devices and make their lives simpler by adding just a drop of technology in everyday routines!

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