Smart thermostats, such as the Nest Thermostat, are better for the environment than regular thermostats. They can save you money, alert you when something is wrong, and have plenty of cool technology features.
Because Nest is so technologically advanced, it relies on the internet for many of its features. That said, the internet doesn’t always work. If your internet goes out, your Nest thermostat will still:
- Be able to regulate the temperature
- Work off of created schedules
- Work in eco mode
Some Nest features will not work without the internet, but your thermostat will still do its job overall.
Keep reading to learn more about using your Nest Thermostat without the internet.
This article also includes unique Nest Thermostat hacks to enhance your Nest Thermostat even better.
Can Nest Be Used Without Wi-Fi?
Thankfully, Nest Thermostats can still be used even if your internet goes out.
You will not have to worry about your home staying warm/cool just because you don’t have internet.
While several of Nest’s features won’t work, the most important functions of the thermostat will.
Nest Thermostats will also continue working off of pre-made schedules. Savvy Nest Thermostat users like to create a daily schedule to save money.
Here is a sample of what a temperature schedule may look like during the summer:
- 9:00 am: Thermostat set to 75 degrees while you’re at work and the house is empty
- 4:00 pm: Thermostat set to change to 70 degrees before you get home
- 9:00 pm: Thermostat set to 68 degrees for optimal sleeping temperature
Schedules such as the one above allow Nest owners to save money without relying the Nest online features
If you like to have your Nest Thermostat run off of a schedule, this feature will still work without internet.
Will an Older Version of Nest Work Without Wi-Fi?
While older Nest Thermostats may not have as many features as the newer thermostats, they still won’t have any issues working without the internet.
All Nest Thermostats have basic thermostat functions that do not require any type of Wi-Fi connection, so even if you have an older model, you won’t have to worry.
Nest Features That Work Without Wi-Fi
As mentioned previously, some of Nest’s features will continue to work without Wi-Fi, and others will not.
Here are some of the features that will continue working if your internet goes out:
- Nest Leaf feature
- Temperature scheduling
- Traditional temperature control
- View your thermostat’s analytic history
Traditional Temperature Control and Scheduling
Because the thermostat properties are built into the Nest Thermostat, there will be no issues with temperature control without Wi-Fi.
Your Nest Thermostat will also continue working on the schedule that you created for it.
Nest Thermostat Analytic History
Nest can provide you with a report that shows you:
- How much energy you have used
- The temperature outside
- What you can do to lower your energy bill even more
- Your inside temperature
Without Wi-Fi, you will still have access to this report.
Even though you will still be able to view the analytic report, your Nest Thermostat may not be able to capture any new data while offline.
Nest Leaf Feature
Nest Thermostats have a built-in Leaf feature that shows you when your thermostat is set to energy-saving temperatures.
If you see a green leaf on your thermostat, it means that you are saving energy.
This Nest feature will continue working even if your internet goes out.
Nest Features That Won’t Work Without Wi-Fi
While Nest’s most important features still work without Wi-Fi, many things won’t work without an internet connection.
Here are some of Nest’s features that will quit working when the internet goes out:
- Using the Nest app to control the temperature
- Smart integrations
- Creating a new Nest schedule
Basically, any of Nest’s more technologically advanced features will not work.
Luckily, these features will not impact the temperature of your home.
Nest App
If your Nest Thermostat goes offline, you will notice that you won’t be able to control your Nest using the app.
Without an internet connection, Nest has no way of being able to connect to the app.
While this is an inconvenience, you can still adjust the temperature manually on the thermostat.
Smart Integrations
If your Nest Thermostat is connected to any other device, such as an Alexa or Google Home, it will no longer be connected while your internet connection is offline.
That means that you won’t be able to control your Nest Thermostat using voice commands or any other integrations.
Create a New Temperature Schedule
While your Nest Thermostat will be able to keep running off the old schedule you created for it, you won’t be able to create a new schedule while it is offline.
You will have to wait until the internet is back on to be able to access this capability.
Troubleshooting the Wi-Fi on Your Nest Thermostat
Nest Thermostats work just fine without Wi-Fi, but their performance is significantly improved with an internet connection.
What do you do if your Nest Thermostat is offline? The first step is to figure out the problem.
Here are some things to check when your Nest Thermostat goes offline:
- Nest service status
- Nest battery level
- Internet connection
- Restart your Nest Thermostat
If you couldn’t fix your nest thermostat going offline consistently, you might want to visit this article where I broke down more in depth all of these issues
Nest Service Status and Nest App
If you suspect that your Nest Thermostat is no longer connected to the internet, the first thing you should do is check the service status on your Nest.
If your Nest is not connected to the Wi-Fi, you will see a message stating that Nest is offline.
Another way to check if your Nest is offline is by looking at the app. When you open up the app, if your Nest is offline, you will see the message “The Nest Service Can’t Be Reached Right Now.”
Review Nest Battery Level
After you have confirmed that your Nest service status is showing as offline, check your Nest Thermostat battery to review if it is getting low.
On the newer Nest Thermostat models, the Wi-Fi connection will turn off once the battery is low to save power.
With older versions of the Nest Thermostat, this step may not apply.
If you notice that your Nest Thermostat isn’t connected to the internet because the battery is low, get a replacement battery as soon as you can.
Nest Thermostats run off of 1.5 V AAA alkaline batteries.
Make Sure Your Internet Is Working
One of the most common causes of Wi-Fi going out on the Nest Thermostat is the internet not working. The Internet can sometimes quit working when:
- There is a big storm
- The power goes out
- What seems like no reason at all
If your Nest Thermostat is disconnected from the Wi-Fi, the odds are good that your internet has quit working.
To check your internet, look at your router and see if a signal is being sent.
Sometimes the internet issue can be resolved by resetting the router.
So give that a try if your internet isn’t working.
Restart Your Nest Thermostat
After you have checked the battery level and checked your internet router, restart your Nest Thermostat to see if that fixes the problem.
If your internet is working, your Nest battery isn’t low, and you have restarted your thermostat, but your Nest is still showing as offline, it may be time to contact Nest support.
How to Reconnect Your Nest Thermostat to Wi-Fi
If your Nest has been disconnected from the Wi-Fi, there are some steps that you will need to take to reconnect it. Here is what you should do:
- Restart your Nest Thermostat
- Configure Wi-Fi settings in Nest
- Confirm that Nest has been reconnected to the internet
Anytime Nest gets disconnected from the internet, you will need to restart it in order to reconnect to the internet.
To reset your Nest Thermostat, go into the settings, go to reset, and then choose the restart option.
After you have restarted your Nest, you will need to go back into the settings to reconfigure the Wi-Fi.
To do this, go to settings and then go to network settings. Find your Wi-Fi network and enter your password to reconnect.
Once you have entered your internet details, confirm that Nest is connected to the Wi-Fi by checking the Nest Service Status on the thermostat or by confirming in the app.
Other Interesting Nest Thermostat Hacks
In addition to Nest having the capability to work without Wi-Fi, there are several other interesting Nest hacks you will want to know as well!
These hacks will help you get the most out of your Nest Thermostat.
Set Up Voice Command for Your Nest Thermostat
Did you know that you can configure your Nest Thermostat to work on voice commands?
If you connect your Nest to an Alexa or a Google Home, you can change the temperature just by speaking, asking what the indoor temperature is, or creating a new temperature schedule.
Control the Humidity in Your Home
Another cool thing about the Nest Thermostat is that you can control the humidity in your home.
Most of the Nest Thermostats have a “cool to dry” feature that can reduce the humidity level inside your house.
This is especially helpful if you live somewhere that is hot and humid during the summer.
You will be grateful for your Nest Thermostat when you come home during the summer and escape the outside heat and humidity.
Use the Sunblock Feature
If your Nest Thermostat sits in a part of your home that is exposed to sunlight at certain times of the day, it is important to turn on the Sunblock setting.
Without the Sunblock setting turned on, Nest may think that it is warmer inside than it actually is because the thermostat is sitting in direct sunlight.
When you turn on Sunblock, Nest knows that it could be sitting in the sunlight and that it might not be as hot inside as it thinks.
This feature will help you save money on your electric bill because Nest won’t run the air conditioning just because it is warmer where the thermostat is located.
Create a Schedule To Save Energy and Money
Is it really necessary to have your home set to 68 degrees during a summer day while you are at work?
The answer is probably not!
With traditional thermostats, it can be a hassle to change the temperature before work every morning and then once again when you get home.
As mentioned earlier, with a Nest thermostat, you can create a daily temperature schedule so that way when you are at work, you aren’t spending the extra money to keep your house cool or warm.
Create a PIN To Control Who Has Access to the Nest
Do you have kids that like to change the temperature on the thermostat without your permission?
If so, Nest has a built-in setting that requires a PIN (personal identification number) that must be entered before the temperature can be changed.
This feature can prevent others from changing the temperature and ensure that your home is set to an optimal, energy-saving temperature at all times.
Give Family Members Access to the Nest App
In addition to controlling who can change the thermostat, you also can give family members access to the Nest app if you choose.
Instead of preventing them from changing the temperature, giving them access to the app will allow them to change the temperature whenever they want.
Add Air Filter Reminders and Maintenance Alerts
Remembering to change your air filter can be an inconvenience, but you don’t have to remember when you have a Nest Thermostat.
You can turn on notifications so that Nest can alert you when it is time to change your filter.
In addition to having Nest notify you when it is time to change the air filter, it can also alert you of other issues. Here are some of the types of notifications that you may get from Nest:
- Change air filter reminder
- Issue with furnace
- Power outage
- Temperature above a certain level
- Temperature below a certain level
These reminders and alerts will be time-saving and provide some peace of mind.
Use the Airwave Setting
The Nest Thermostat airwave setting allows the thermostat to automatically turn your air conditioning unit off once the home reaches a certain temperature.
Even though it turns the AC unit off, it allows the AC fan to circulate the cool air.
This feature saves energy and money because it takes less cool air to keep the house at a comfortable temperature.
It requires much less energy to circulate cold air than it does to create cold air.
Take Advantage of Nest’s Motion Detection Ability
Most Nest Thermostats have built-in motion detection capabilities.
The main purpose of motion detection is to adjust the temperature based on whether someone is home or not.
Even if you have your Nest Thermostat set on a schedule, you can also have the motion detection set to change the temperature if someone comes home early or leaves early.
Another way that you can take advantage of the motion detection capability is by using it as home security.
You can set your Nest Thermostat to have it alert you if it detects motion.
If you see that your thermostat has detected motion in the middle of the day when no one is home, it may signify that someone has broken into your house.
Of course, this probably will not work if you have pets.
Connect Your Smart Lights
If you have both a Nest Thermostat and smart lights in your home, you can connect the two.
Just like the temperature can adjust by using motion detection, you also can have your lights automatically turn on when someone comes home and turn off when someone leaves.
If you choose to have the lights turn off whenever someone leaves the house, this is another way that you can save money on your electric bill.
It also can be convenient if you get home from work late at night so that you can see when you come inside.
How to use nest thermostat without Wi-Fi: Nest Thermostat Hacks
Nest Thermostats are smart thermostats that have the ability to decrease your electric bill, make your home more comfortable at different times of the day, and lessen the overall impact on the environment.
Even with advanced technology, you won’t have to worry about the heating and cooling of your home if your Nest Thermostat loses internet connection.
In addition to being able to work without the internet, Nest has a ton of other neat features that make it the perfect thermostat for almost every household.