How To Turn Off Ring Motion Alerts While You’re Home – A cool guide

How To Turn Off Ring Motion Alerts While You're Home

The Ring app has become one of the most popular home safety solutions for many people.

It can do various things, from sending safety alerts to detecting motion near your door when you’re not at home. However, getting multiple Ring motion alerts when you’re at home and know your house is safe can get annoying.

Here’s how you can turn off Ring motion alerts while you’re home:

  1. Select the Ring device you wish to add the schedule to.
  2. Create your motion schedule.
  3. Enable your motion schedule.
  4. Edit or delete your motion schedule, if needed.

By creating a Ring motion schedule, you won’t receive any motion alerts for some time.

However, your device’s camera will still be recording even when you don’t receive any notification.

In this article, we’ll go over each step so you can successfully turn off Ring motion alerts when you don’t need them.

1. Select the Ring Device You Wish To Add the Schedule To

To create a motion schedule, follow these instructions:

  1. Open your Ring app and click the three lines on the top left of your mobile screen to enter Settings.
  2. Once you enter Settings, select Devices. Here, you should be able to see all of your Ring devices.
  3. Select which device you’d like to apply the motion schedule to.
  4. Select the gear button next to the device’s name to enter Device Settings.

2. Create Your Motion Schedule

Here’s how you can create your motion schedule:

  1. Select the Motion Settings option. Depending on your Ring app’s version, you may be able to select Motion Schedule from the menu immediately. If you can’t find the Motion Schedule option, click Advanced Settings first, then it should appear on the menu.
  2. Touch the Add Schedule button to start creating your new motion schedule.
  3. Enter the days and time settings to indicate when you want to avoid receiving any motion alerts.
  4. Click Save, and your new motion schedule is ready to use!

You can create multiple motion schedules for different occasions. Just don’t forget to name them to remind you of their specific purposes. 

3. Enable Your Motion Schedule

After you’ve created a motion schedule, it won’t turn on automatically – you’ll need to enable it manually. 

The schedule you just created will appear on the device’s Motion Schedule list.

If you have multiple schedules, you should:

  • Scroll down and pick the schedule you wish to apply to the device. On the right side of the schedule’s name, you’ll be able to find a toggle control button.
  • If the toggle is white, then that schedule is disabled (turned off). To enable it, tap the toggle button. Once the button turns blue, you’ll know that the motion schedule is in place. 

4. Edit or Delete Your Motion Schedule, If Needed

Later, you can also edit or delete your motion schedules, if necessary. 

By editing your motion schedule, you can change its name as well as its time range and day settings. 

To edit a motion schedule, follow these steps:

  1. Enter your device’s Motion Schedule list.
  2. Tap the schedule you wish to edit, and you’ll enter the same screen you see when creating the schedule.
  3. Modify the schedule to your liking, and don’t forget to save the new settings.

Alternatively, if you no longer wish to use a certain schedule, you can also delete it.

You can delete a motion schedule by doing the following:

  1. Go to the Motion Schedule list and look for the schedule you wish to remove.
  2. Swipe the schedule to the left, and a red Delete button should appear.
  3. Click the button to confirm the action, and your schedule will be deleted from the list.

What To Do If Ring Motion Schedule Is Not Working

Some Ring users have reported receiving unexpected motion alerts and notifications even after enabling motion schedules. 

If this is happening to you, here are some solutions that might work:

  • Recheck the time and day settings of the motion schedule.
  • Try turning the schedule off, then enable it again.
  • Restart your phone.
  • Try deleting the schedule and creating a new one.
  • Confirm your device’s Modes.

How To Turn on Motion Alerts Manually While Using Motion Schedule

When the motion schedule is in place, you won’t receive any motion alerts.

You cannot temporarily enable the motion alerts without canceling the motion schedule itself.

So, if you suddenly want to receive motion alerts again, you’ll need to first turn off the motion schedule. 

Here’s what you need to do to turn on motion alerts manually while the motion schedule is in place:

  1. Open your Ring app.
  2. Enter Settings.
  3. Select the device you wish to enable.
  4. Toggle off the motion schedule.

How to Temporarily Disable Ring Motion Detection

When you use motion alert schedules, your device will still record any detected motion in its history log, even when you don’t receive any motion alerts.

However, there may be times when you want the Ring camera to stop recording entirely. 

If you also don’t want the camera to record its surroundings while you’re at home, you can toggle off the Ring motion detection temporarily.

To temporarily disable your Ring motion detection and prevent any notifications from coming in, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open your Ring app.
  2. Enter Settings.
  3. Select the device you wish to disable.
  4. Toggle off the Motion Detection switch.

When you do this, your device’s camera will be completely disabled.

It won’t detect any motion, nor will it send you any alert or notification. 

Unlike with motion schedules, your Ring device’s motion detection won’t automatically turn back on after a certain period.

So, don’t forget to enable the motion detection manually before leaving the house unattended.

Final Thoughts

With the ability to detect motion outside your home, the Ring app can help keep your house safe and secure even when you’re not around.

However, it can be annoying to receive motion alerts when you’re actually at home.

You can prevent this from happening by setting up motion schedules, which is perfect for people who know exactly when they’ll be in and out of the house.

That said, if your schedule is unpredictable, consider temporarily disabling the app’s motion detection instead.

It’s quicker to do on short notice, but you’ll need to enable it again manually later on.

Nelson Barbosa

I'm an engineer in love with smart home tech. On my website, I share useful tips and tricks to help my readers get the most of their devices and make their lives simpler by adding just a drop of technology in everyday routines!

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